There are a few 여성알바 구인구직 full-time seasonal jobs, but many are part-time positions offering flexible schedules. Generally, these jobs are project-based, they can be done on a flexible schedule, and the job security is strong. Accountants can work easily for themselves, on their own schedule; pay and job security are higher.
Customer-service jobs can be done at home, either by phone or through online chat, hours are flexible, and you do not need much training (but being patient definitely helps) before starting. It is a job that can be done from home office with ease, pays fairly well (bonuses are often given for reaching or exceeding quotas), and is a good fit for people who enjoy talking to people.
In the past, The Profit Factory has offered 100% remote, freelance, hybrid, and 100% positions, with full-time, part-time, flexible, and flex scheduling, in areas such as accounting, project management, and administration. Flexible jobs posted in the past have included part-time, flexible, freelance, hybrid, and remote jobs in administration, consulting, sales, accounting and finance, and HR and recruitment fields. Flexible jobs posted in the past include remote-hybrid, completely remote, part-time, flexible schedule, and freelance roles in account administration, sales, insurance, and customer support.
As a FlexJobs featured employer, Alight has supported flexibility at the workplace, posting part-time, remote, hybrid, temp, and freelance jobs. On our list of featured flexible employers, Kelly offers a full spectrum of flexible work arrangements, both within the HR & recruitment industries, including 100% remote, freelance, part-time, hybrid, and temporary opportunities.
Career fairs generally feature employers offering part-time, full-time, and internship opportunities. Career centers connect students with both on-campus and off-campus jobs, and with jobs working part-time at home. To assist with finding and applying to remote part-time jobs, Career Centers has curated related databases, created guides to applying for remote opportunities, and recorded a webinar about finding remote opportunities.
The federal work-study program gives eligible students a way to earn money toward their undergraduate degree while working a part-time job either on campus or at a community service agency. Off-campus jobs at employers/agencies approved for participation in the Federal Work-Study Program provide additional diversity. Eligible students may work either on-campus or part-time at an off-campus UH-approved job-study organization. Eligible students may work up to 20 hours a week for a starting hourly wage of at least the minimum wage ($7.25).
These jobs will be either part-time or seasonal, and are intended to specifically target current Iowa State University students looking for jobs within close proximity to campus. Here, you will find jobs posted by Iowa State University departments, area businesses, and members of the community looking to hire students who assist Iowa State University.
On-campus and off-campus employers participate in an on-campus job fair and are looking for students to fill open positions. The student job board is provided by the Student Employment Center (SEC) and offers students a way to search jobs posted by employers. It is an encouraged and common location for departments to post jobs for student employees on a part-time basis.
To be considered at any time for part-time/seasonal employment, Goodyear Ballpark (Indians/Reds) has an overall Online Employment Application which you may complete and submit at the Stadium Office.
From ballparks and concert venues to convention centers, plenty of venues are offering jobs during Spring Break. As a result, many of these venues are offering higher wages and other incentives to lure workers into spring work.
More importantly, if you are able to commit now to a spring job, you are improving your chances of having the job extended through the summer and beyond. Whatever the reasons, spring is an ideal time of the year to dust off the resume and dive headfirst into your new, flexible gig.
Working in spring training is the dream of many retirees, the hope of breaking into the baseball profession for some, and simply an occasional seasonal part-time gig for others. These part-time, season-long jobs offer an opportunity to build up communication and organization skills that will serve you well in a professional career.
Part-time jobs offer an opportunity to build new skills and competencies, which supplement your classwork, and which you can emphasize during your future job search or in the grad school application process. Some people even build careers around part-time jobs–mixing and matching jobs so that they are working when and where they want. Seasonal jobs offer job seekers an excellent opportunity to explore their interests, while also earning some extra cash.
Interestingly, 12% of respondents who had an employer offering only part-time or casual telecommuting jobs said that even five days out of the week, they worked at home. Thirty-five percent of employed respondents are able to work from home fully, while 23 percent are able to do so partially. A notable 58 percent of employed respondents–extrapolated from a representative sample, which is the equivalent of 92 million individuals across a range of occupations and types of work–report having the opportunity to work from home full time or some part of the week. Workers who are at home with children and are offered a full-time option for telecommuting are much more likely than their non-childworker peers to report having concerns about their physical health or hostile work environments having moderate to severe effects on their jobs.
Employers need to know that, when a job candidate is making a decision between jobs offering similar compensation, an option for flexible working may be a decisive factor.
Online marketers are some of the best telecommuting jobs because of their high-paying, flexible workplace, and solid professional future. The best remote jobs allow you to easily perform necessary work from anywhere–think customer support, technology, finance, or marketing. With 55+ different career categories offering positions ranging from entry-level to senior, FlexJobs makes finding the right fit easier than ever.
The results from the survey reflect the wide-ranging changes taking place across the U.S. workforce, including an estimated 92 million workers offering flex-work, 80 million workers engaged in flex-work, and a significant number of respondents who identified finding flexible work as their primary motivation to look for new jobs.